There are more than 80 million Millennials in the US, representing more than a quarter of the population. They are the largest, single market segment in the US and represent an enormous opportunity for eyewear manufacturers and eye care professionals who understand their motivations and needs.
Eye Opening.
Transitions Optical and The Center For Generational Kinetics conducted a national online research study administered to 1,264 respondents between the ages of 22 and 65.
Across generations, eyeglass wearers consider their glasses to be a part of their style. This is especially true of Millennials, more than half of whom indicated they'd like to try Transitions® Light Intelligent Lenses™.
For the complete picture, download the research results today. Learn more about the motivations behind this growing potential market. Also explore our efforts to recruit these new wearers, communicate product benefits in a fresh new way and create new, disruptive language, imagery and strategies for introducing a whole new generation to the style and performance of Transitions lenses.